Sunday, June 29, 2008

Mount Raymond - Take 1

Mount Raymond was on tap on Friday. Tracie needed to be back in the valley reasonably early, so we opted for a quick peak out of BCC. There was only a little bit of snow on the trail on the way up...I guess south facing slopes really do melt out quicker.

Getting to the saddle is the easy part...

Once you make the turn for the summit you'll start to encounter some trickier sections .

This is Lisa, she'll be joining us for the summer (then fall hits and it's back to work for Lisa...but she's sad about that)...every one say, "Hi Lisa!"

Another peak down for the FAC. I've said it before and I'll say it again...there's something special about being on a peak in sight of the masses cooking in the valley. The weather on the peak was perfect.

The view from the peak was great. Lisa and Tracie took advantage of the view to look for places to ski next year.

I titled this "Take 1" because I think we're going to need to consider hitting this peak via Mount Olympus. You can kinda see just how much ground you'd need to cover to do this from this picture (yes, I know my Patagonia hat needs to be cleaned...maybe for the next FAC).

Getting there:
We started from the Butler Fork trailhead. You'll encounter the first fork in the trail roughly 0.5 miles from the trailhead...take the trail to the left. Eventually, you'll hike up a few switchbacks to a small ridgeline. Follow the ridgeline for 0.28 miles to another fork (again you'll go left). This left will take you to the saddle between Gobbler's Knob and Mount Raymond, the saddle is about 1.43 miles from this split (according to my map, there's another junction 0.23 miles before the saddle...where you turn to the right). From the saddle, you turn to the left and follow the ridgeline up to the summit.

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