Friday, May 16, 2008

Little Black Mountain

So, kicking off the summer 2008 FAC, Tracie came up with the idea to hike up Little Black Mountain above the Avenues. She estimated the hike at roughly 10 miles round-trip...but it felt like a lot more. On the way back from the peak, we decided that hitting Twin Peaks (the Avenues variety, not Big Cottonwood, or ever American Fork) would be a good idea. Not bad for the first FAC of the summer. More to come in following weeks...

That's the final goal...really? No, not really, the actual peak is somewhere behind that.

The wildflowers were out and looking pretty good.

A nice view of Grandview was with us for almost the entire hike.

There's something nice about standing in snow and looking down at all the people cooking in the city...especially on a Friday.

Almost there...just one final push up the ridge to the summit.

The view from the summit is oh so sweet...

...but my ugly mug, not so much.

A look back at where we'd been.

Holy crap!!! There be dinosaurs in the hills...or maybe they're just horned toads (aka short-horned lizards).

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